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Graduate Statistics Minor

Graduate Statistics Minor

The statistics graduate minor is designed for graduate students in other programs who are interested in understanding the mathematical underpinnings of statistics and the practice of applied statistical analysis.

Finding a minor advisor

The Graduate School requires students wishing to obtain a statistics M.S. or Ph.D. minor to find a member of the statistics graduate faculty willing to serve on their graduate committee and advise them on elective course selection. To identify a potential minor advisor, please review the statistics department directory at and select a graduate faculty member. The student will need to contact the faculty member by email to inquire about their availability and receive confirmation that they agree to serve as their minor advisor.

View all requirements on the course catalog

Curriculum for M.S. minor in statistics


  • ST 521 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (4 credits)
  • ST 522 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (4 credits)
  • ST 511 Methods of Data Analysis (4 credits)
  • ST 512 Methods of Data Analysis (4 credits)

Total required credits: 16


The student and/or minor professor may wish to add one or two additional elective courses:

  • ST 513 Methods of Data Analysis (4 credits)
  • ST 515 Design and Analysis of Planned Experiments (3 credits)
  • ST 531 Sampling Methods (3 credits)
  • ST 557 Applied Multivariate Analysis (3 credits)
  • ST 565 Time Series (3 credits)

Total elective credits: 3-9
Total credits for MS minor in Statistics: 19-25
All programs must be approved by the student's minor professor.

Curriculum for Ph.D. minor in statistics

Theory requirements

Select one of the following series

  • ST 521 and ST 522 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (4 credits each)
  • ST 561, ST 562 and ST 563 Theory of Statistics (4 credits each)

Methods requirements

Select one of the following sequences of 3 courses

  • ST 551, ST 552, ST 553 (Statistical Methods, 4 credits per course)
  • ST 511, ST 512, ST 513 (Methods of Data Analysis, 4 credits per course)

Additional courses

Select additional statistics courses approved by the minor professor (3-6 credits)

  • If ST551, ST552, and ST553 are taken, additional courses should total at least 3 credits.
  • If ST511, ST512, and ST513 are taken, additional courses should total at least 6 credits.

Total credits for Ph.D. minor in Statistics: 23-27 credits
All programs must be approved by the student's minor professor.

Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies

The Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) degree program provides an opportunity for OSU graduate students to formulate a program of study that integrates work from three separate disciplines to address a particular issue or problem, leading to an integration or synthesis of all three fields.

Course requirements are the same as the Statistic M.S. Minor. Students in the program must find a member of the Statistics graduate faculty willing to serve on their MAIS committee.