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Accelerated Master's Platform in Statistics

Accelerated Master's Platform in Statistics

The Accelerated Master’s Platform (AMP) in Statistics allows current OSU undergraduate students majoring in Mathematics and Biological Data Sciences to take graduate classes in Statistics, apply those credits to their current undergraduate degree, and also transfer them to the M.S. in Statistics program at OSU.

Successful applicants are allowed to apply 20 graduate credits to both their undergraduate and master’s degrees. Students who complete at least 184 credits in their undergraduate program are allowed to transfer additional 4 credits.

Participating programs


B.S. in Mathematics, and B.S. in Biological Data Science


M.S. in Statistics

Contact information

Undergraduate AMP Advisor

Graduate AMP Advisor

Lan Xue, Statistics

Admission requirements

  • An OSU GPA of at least 3.25.
  • Completion of 105 credits.
  • Junior status in an undergraduate degree program in Mathematics or Biological Data Science. (Post-baccalaureate students are ineligible.)
  • Completion of MTH 254, MTH 341, ST 421 or MTH 464, ST 422, with a grade of at least B in each course, or with department approval.
  • Recommended (but not required) to complete at least one applied statistics course from the list: ST 351, ST 352, ST 411, ST 412, ST 413.
  • Other documents and requirements required by the Graduate School: A completed online application on the Graduate School website, three letters of reference, a statement of objectives, and a tentative plan of study.

Admission process

  • The deadline for full consideration is May 15 with applications accepted until August 15 for admission into AMP in the Fall term.
  • Complete the online application via the Graduate School website.
  • Admission is competitive, not all of the applicants who meet the minimum requirements will be accepted.
  • Decision by June 15 for applications received before May 15, and by September 15 for applications received after May 15.


Junior year (the year you apply to AMP)

Complete required courses, and apply.

  • The candidate completes all admission requirements at the time of application.
  • The candidate must develop a tentative program of study which should be approved by the undergraduate AMP advisor in your major and the graduate AMP advisor in Statistics.
  • Apply to AMP by May 15, with the decision by June 15, or apply by August 15, with the decision by September 15.
  • Candidates cannot serve as GTAs until after they completed their senior year.

Senior year (first year in AMP)

Earn graduate credits (up to twenty four credits can be transferred to your Master's program), and complete your B.S. degree.

  • Complete up to 24 credits of graduate level statistics courses from the list: ST 551, ST 552, ST 553 and ST 561, ST 562, ST 563. Students must complete at least 184 credits in their undergraduate program to transfer 24 credits towards the Master's program. Otherwise, only up to 20 credits can be transferred.
  • By the end of the first week of Fall, the participant develops a course plan and obtains approval of the undergraduate AMP Advisor and the graduate AMP advisor in Statistics.
  • Participants must earn a grade of at least B in each course of the 24 credits applied to both the baccalaureate and graduate degree programs.
  • If the participant wants to be considered for a GTA for the second AMP year, an updated application is due by the deadline for graduate applications (currently January 15). GTA positions are not automatically granted for AMP participants. The updated application should include a cover letter, current transcripts and any others updates on their proposed program. Please sent the updated application to the Director of Graduate Studies in Statistics.

Year 1 of graduate program (second year in AMP)

  • Take MS comprehensive exams at the beginning of the year. The exams are usually given in the week before the start of the fall term, and are intended for students who have completed the methods sequences (ST 551, 552, 553) or/and the theory sequence (ST 561, 562, 563)).

Transfer up to 24 credits hours towards the M.S. degree, take graduate courses as required.