College of Science Dean Sastry G. Pantula was a special guest and keynote speaker at the 2nd International Conference on the Theory and Application of Statistics, which was organized by the Dhaka University Statistics Department Alumni Association (DUSDAA) and began on Sunday, the 65th anniversary of the department’s founding. The Department of Statistics at the University of Dhaka is one of the oldest of its kind in the world and was founded by the late National Professor Qazi Motahar Husain, the first academic statistician of East Bengal (now Bangladesh) and founder of the Institute of Statistical Research and Training in 1964.
Held December 27-29, the conference aims to bring statisticians together from around the world to explore new frontiers of developments of statistical theory and applications in teaching, research, and the use of statistics in government and non-government policy making with special focus on developing countries, such as Bangladesh.
Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor Dr. AAMS Arefin Siddique kicked off the three-day conference, calling for the need to upgrade the quality of statistics and statistical analysis to ensure transparency, accountability, credibility and morality. He called for statisticians to work together to fulfill the dream of making Bangladesh a country free from poverty, hunger, malnutrition, illiteracy and fundamentalism.